Discover Verna Artisan Works

Uniquely designed, thoughtfully curated, consciously handcrafted items by artisans.

Best Sellers


Lavender Collection

Lavender Collection

Lavender Season. The season of purity, serenity and grace. 

Handwired Jewellery Collection

Handwired Jewellery Collection

Every piece in this collection is meticulously handcrafted, weaving together precision, passion,... 

Crème de la Crème - Our Bestsellers

Crème de la Crème - Our Bestsellers

A curated selection of our most exquisite pieces, 'Crème de la Crème'... 

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Myths & Legends

Our brand Verna is influenced by time spent at childhood surrounded by nature, flowers, artisans and the healing power of handcrafts. Our designs are influenced by ancient myths and legends.

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